Choose from the options below or co-create something new with me!
Gamma Breathwork For Coherence and Flow State
Our breath is our portal to awakening, healing, balancing, self-connection and harmonizing. When we breathe in special sequences designed to bring us into our Gamma brain state of 40hz and higher, we create coherence and clarity, connecting with our higher self. We then integrate this into our upgraded physical reality in a way that brings us grounding, and heart-centered peacefulness. As we breathe together, this effect is potent. Gamma Breathwork opens our heart, and offers us a nourishing and natural micro release of important neurochemicals, plus feel-good endorphins, in a way that is grounding, restoring and embodying. You will feel even more phenomenal as you learn how to generate your own gamma flow state with one-minute breath sequences that you can practice and share daily, so that you can calibrate, regulate, restore, and celebrate.
Cacao Gamma Breath and Ecstatic Dance Journey with RahQuel Star
We will prepare for an Ecstatic Dance Journey with a sacred intention set over a cup of ceremonial cacao followed by 20 minutes of Gamma Breathwork. The heart-opening properties of Cacao combined with Gamma Breathwork is designed to boost us into our Pineal Consciousness, with a natural micro release of DMT and endorphins to inform our body so that we can channel and embody higher level codes through movement and celebration. This natural boost and rebalancing of chemistry yields a centered, empowered and grounded physicality. When we are in Gamma while we dance, we find ourselves immersed in our flow in a whole new and creative way. RahQuel Star curates the music journey for the dance, with a beautiful blend of organic, shamanic, world, melodic, and electronic music of all rhythms and tempos. Let's activate higher sensory codes with a Gamma Body!
Intentional Community Manifestation Breathwork Session
When we enter our Gamma Consciousness state, a brain frequency of 40hz and higher, we access a powerful channel for manifestation and creation. As a group of heart-centered beings coming together with intention, this effect is exponentially potent, yielding magical results. We will breathe together, activating our pineal glands and hearts to bring forth into our fields what we truly most desire, a path of harmonic alignment, purposeful action, and full creative expression of the highest order, in the New Earth. We will learn one-minute gamma activating breath sequences that we can use any time throughout the gathering and beyond, boosting our lives and communities into balance and flow.
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Gamma Breathwork to Prepare for and Integrate Shamanic Ceremonies
It is highly important to prepare one's brain receptors, mindset, physical, emotional, and energetic states for ceremonies of all kinds, with plant medicines, psychedelics and more. In this session you will practice and learn how to Gamma Breathe to be grounded and ready, plus to experience a type of integration that will yield the highest results of your previous ceremony experiences, bringing these high level frequencies, codes, and insights into a regulated and available daily grounded beingness. Gamma Breathwork is instrumental for the processing of any type of imprint or trauma that is ready to be evolved and cleared as well. Gamma Breathwork itself stimulates a naturally occuring DMT state and boost of neurochemicals and endorphins into an optimal and grounded state. Gamma Breathwork is easy to practice on your own at home to continue cultivating your ideal life.
TALK: Gamma Breathwork, Pineal Activation, Brain Frequencies, and Manifestation
Gamma is becoming known as instrumental in our awakening and for unlocking higher order codes in our consciousness. RahQuel will share how to activate our gamma state, and how to stimulate our pineal gland for a micro release of DMT naturally, as a method of centering and grounding to upgrade our reality. Topics explored will include brainwave states, manifestation, upgrades in consciousness, how to heal and clear trauma and addiction with our gamma state, and how to regulate all functions of our mind, emotions, and body with our own breath. We will also learn and practice some Gamma Breathwork sequences.
Group Rebirthing Biodynamic Breath Session
In this session you will experience a grounding warm up meditation which may include bioenergetic movements, and then you will lay down on a mat and breathe deeply and continuously mostly through your open mouth. This is so that you can support your body to be in charge and move energy throughout, leading to clearing and releasing of trauma and other emotional, physical, and energetic memories and holding patterns. You will be supported in a safe space and sacred container in order to feel and allow what your body is wanting to tell you and experience. With each session you will recover more of your vital energy to move forward in an increasingly present manner, and experience ever increasing wellbeing. You can explore the topic of your own birth experience and early childhood memories, allowing a melting and discharge of high alert states if needed, and restoring a sense of being grounded, nourished and nurtured. You will feel born again. At the end of the session you will experience an integration of what was explored.
Burning Man
RahQuel Star is a seasoned Burner, having attended Burning Man for eleven years, plus more than forty regional Burns. She organizes her own camp at Burning Man, called High Vibe Tribe!, which is part of the Anahasana Village HUB. At High Vibe Tribe! A variety of healing and arts workshops are offered in the camp’s metaphysical dome. She has been a ranger at regional burns and led many Gamma Breath and Ecstatic Dance events at numerous camps on the Playa. She also DJs on art cars each year.
RahQuel is in love with the Ethos of Burning Man and very much believes in the Ten Principles, making them a way of life. She especially loves introducing people to Burning Man and supporting them in preparing and acculturating with ease and joy. Burning Man has changed her life and that of her family in multiple positive ways, bringing forth empowerment, freedom to be creative and uniquely self-expressed, being in service, co-creating community, and much more. One of the big gifts of being a Burner is the desire to bring people together to share with community and be in service, supporting others to also feel empowered and do the same.
RahQuel is thrilled to now be a co-organizer for Costa Rica’s first Burn, Biss Burn: Gathering of the Guardians. A dream come true! Contact RahQuel if you would like to learn more about Burning Man culture and how to become involved.
The Ten Principles of Burning Man:
Radical Inclusion
Radical Self-reliance
Radical Self-expression
Communal Effort
Civic Responsibility
Leaving No Trace
A GUIDING LIGHT FOR TRANSFORMATION, Bliss Burn is a gathering that embodies the core ethos of the Burning Man 10 principles. Each of which are a guide to unite, inspire, and co-create. By adhering to these principles, Bliss Burn becomes a beacon for those seeking a transformative journey toward community, holistic wellness, creativity, and consciousness. It’s a celebration of what we can achieve when we come together with open hearts and minds. Bliss Burn is a year-round community of Dreamers, Builders, and Doers, converging to create New Earth Principles. Join us to mastermind and co-create new visions!
Follow us on instagram at @blissburncr
Dance & DJ