Welcome to the beautiful world of Gamma Breathwork.
Breathwork sessions incorporate coaching, Gamma Breathwork and Energy Techniques, Somatic processing, and more. All sessions can be for individuals, couples, and groups.
Most sessions are 75-90 minutes in length.

Gamma Breathwork sessions are the synthesis of RahQuel’s thirty years in the field of healing work, combining coaching, somatic experiencing, trauma and addiction clearing techniques, manifestation and visualization practices, and cognitive processing along with Gamma Breath and Energy techniques to name a few of the tools implemented in the session.
Through this somatic breathwork, you will experience a shift in your emotional, physical, mental, and energetic bodies, creating alchemy and life upgrades. You will access newfound energy for generating more aligned ways of being, plus inner guidance for taking new action steps in your life.
You will activate higher energy frequencies and experience a communion with source.
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This session is in person only for individuals and groups.
In this session you will experience a grounding warm up meditation which may include bioenergetic movements, and then you will lay down on a mat and breathe deeply and continuously mostly through your open mouth. This is so that you can support your body to be in charge and move energy throughout, leading to clearing and releasing of trauma and other emotional, physical, and energetic memories and holding patterns. You will be supported in a safe space and sacred container in order to feel and allow what your body is wanting to tell you and experience. With each session you will recover more of your vital energy to move forward in an increasingly present manner, and experience ever increasing wellbeing. You can explore the topic of your own birth experience and early childhood memories, allowing a melting and discharge of high alert states if needed, and restoring a sense of being grounded, nourished and nurtured. You will feel born again. At the end of the session you will experience an integration of what was explored.
We all desire an intimate, passionate, clearly communicative, mutually supportive, passionate, true, happy and aligned connection with our true love partner! Resolve triggers of the present and from the past in your relationship, and upgrade into a higher ground common place in which to meet and truly see yourselves and each other. When processing with Gamma Breathwork and Gamma Energy techniques, new synergy and higher ground heartfelt connection amplifies.
Experience a beautiful process for manifesting your goals together and growing together.
If you are transitioning your relationship to a different status, find mutual ground through Gamma. Gamma opens up the compassionate and neutral accessibility to all perspectives as they are shared in the session.
Solutions come from higher order insights that are uniquely accessed in the Gamma state. If there are dynamics that aren’t working for you, these get solved by upgrading your perspectives about yourself and each other, and about how you interact. You can jointly and individually activate any reality you want to co-create– from the beginnings of restoring a mutual ground to beautiful tantric experiencing and sharing as a daily baseline state.
Can also be a 1-on-1 session: $222 -
We ARE Love.
Our hearts carry powerful intelligence.
When we let our hearts guide the way for our lives, we are in a state of alignment and coherence. This may sound strange when living in a world of walls and protections, of conditioning to be logical and of societal imprints. Yet once we become silent and look inward, our hearts hold the truth and the answers to our questions.
Gamma Breathwork is a potent way to look deeply into our hearts and see what we need to feel and heal so that we can open up our hearts to our higher wisdom and aligned, purposeful action. When we grow into a life of self-compassion and a way of living that is loving, we become free. The Heart Gamma sessions will support you in deeply healing and opening your heart to all abundance, healthy boundaries and higher good in life.
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We ARE Love.
Our hearts carry powerful intelligence.
When we let our hearts guide the way for our lives, we are in a state of alignment and coherence. This may sound strange when living in a world of walls and protections, of conditioning to be logical and of societal imprints. Yet once we become silent and look inward, our hearts hold the truth and the answers to our questions.
Gamma Breathwork is a potent way to look deeply into our hearts and see what we need to feel and heal so that we can open up our hearts to our higher wisdom and aligned, purposeful action. When we grow into a life of self-compassion and a way of living that is loving, we become free. The Heart Gamma sessions will support you in deeply healing and opening your heart to all abundance, healthy boundaries and higher good in life.
Welcome to Heaven 24-7!
We are all creating our lives, our reality. The brilliance comes in when we manifest and create from our highest, most present, authentic self with vision and intention. Gamma is a way to clear the programming, the patterns, the stories, and everything that isn’t authentically us, so that we can channel who we really are.
In our Gamma state we are accessing a high frequency vibration in which we can feel and visualize our heart’s desire, and consequently attract it to materialize into our reality. In Gamma Manifestation & Alchemy Activations we access and amplify our best feeling states, and positive memories act like a goldmine full of fuel to be directed into the creation of our most esteemed life, as new neural pathways are generated with this frequency.
Through this process we also access the concerns and patterns that have been in the way of actualizing the lives we love, and process these into Gamma, thus freeing up this energy and alchemizing it into a perfect Gamma manifestation and creation.
What is also wonderful about our Gamma consciousness is that it coincides with the beautiful opening of our hearts in a profound way, leading to a deep self love and love as a way of being.
As you rewrite the script of your life, watch your highest most aligned dreams unfold into reality.
What makes your heart sing?
What do you really want to be doing?
What is your purpose here on earth and what are you here to create and share?
It takes operating at a sustained higher energy state to generate and materialize your legacy.
Soul Purpose and Legacy Gamma Breathwork Activations involve converting memories in your brain into free flowing energy that is then alchemized into the Gamma state. Your Gamma state then fuels your dreams into reality. You will activate your desires, visions, and energy from positive experiences to nourish the development of your purpose and passion. This process trains your brain to upgrade and show you the action steps to take for materializing your higher goals.
The new synergistic insights and downloads you will access will be accompanied by higher levels of powerful energy for you to take new action. As you cultivate your Gamma state you will find yourself functioning in ways aligned with your higher self and your purpose.
You may not know your path or direction at the onset, yet your Gamma state will begin to inform you. If you are already on your chosen path, your Gamma state will continue to show you what is next for you to experience and do. Your communication skills, interactions, intuition, creative skills, connection to yourself and others, and groundedness will improve, and all the right divinely orchestrated meetings and people will show up to support you.
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RahQuel has created a new synergy for our modern day intelligent body activation. Welcome to Gamma Yoga!
Here you will generate Gamma Energy throughout your entire body as you experience an intuitively guided yoga asana and stretch flow. You will be led to feel your body at increasingly new levels of depth – this occurs by following gamma breath sequences as they are paired with asanas.
This is the fountain of youth!
Breathing into Gamma combined with yoga and movement will accelerate your light body activation and exponential amount of strength, health, and power in your body. Your muscles, organs, fascia, brain, metabolism, endocrine system, respiratory system, and moods will all get an upgrading workout.
This leads to aligned and intentional lifestyle shifts, a more fulfilling relationship with yourself and others, happiness, and positive reality upgrades.
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Shamanic Medicine journeys are highly powerful ways of accessing and accelerating connection to multiple planes of consciousness. These journeys also give access to accelerated spiritual, emotional, mental, physical healing and growth.
Being that they can be intense activations, it is important to have a way of preparing for these journeys as well as a way to integrate the experience fully and successfully, so as to benefit from it in life going forward, and to regulate your nervous system to distribute such high level energy harmoniously.
Gamma supports you to prepare for your journey by helping you clear your mind, your emotional state, and physical body, plus hone in on your intentions, while reducing interference or blocks to the journey ahead. Gamma creates that your brain receptors are prepared and also potentiated for the fullness and receiving of the journey experience.
The Gamma Breathwork integration session supports you to bring up all aspects of your journey and amplify their benefits as well as deepen your insight and understanding for your growth. By doing the Gamma Breaths and Gamma Energy processes, you can access further depth and spectrum of your experience, as well as remember full detail. Gamma will assist you in processing all the challenging aspects of your journey as well. Plus, you will now integrate your new awareness into your physical body more thoroughly.
Often following such heightened experiences there can be a disconnection sensation from the wellbeing it brought, as cleansing and detoxing on all levels is taking place. Also, such high energy experiences create a charge of energy in our brain, yet might not lead to practical life actualization of these consciousness upgrades without further assistance and supportive practices. Gamma regulates all of these charges so as to create that each Medicine is highly nourishing and yields permanent tangible positive life changes. You will be able to ground and integrate your experience so that it can be useful in your everyday life, bringing you the positive results you were praying for.
RahQuel has organized and facilitated numerous Shamanic ceremony retreats combined with Gamma Breathwork, and she is available to support you if you are organizing a retreat for Ceremony.
Be in touch with RahQuel once a week for a twenty-minute Gamma Breath personal phone activation tailored to your current needs, followed by a 20-minute remote Reiki healing session.
You will state what you wish you set in motion and cultivate in the moment, whether it is a personal, business, or relationship goal, and be guided through an activating breath process. You can also process and evolve concerns and challenges in this manner, gaining helpful insight.
Then you can sit back and relax as you receive a Reiki energy healing session for a nice restoration and recharge for the week or weekend.
The following seminars and activities can be offered:
-Meetings for presenting about the Gamma brain state and useful at-work practices
- Activation and streamlining of projects and goals
- Brainstorming for marketing and design strategies
- Stress relief, connection, and meditation reset sessions
- Conscious communication and collaboration sessions
Series, combinations, and one-time presentations are also offered in:
Gamma Breathwork Sessions and Trainings
Meetings with Gamma to Activate Business Goals and Upgrades
Gamma Reiki ™ Sessions and Trainings
Conscious Health and Nutrition
Gamma Ecstatic Dance Journeys ™
Corporations events yield these outcomes for clients, participants, and company growth:
Increased personal awareness
Profound stress release
Team building and connection
Emotional balancing
Increased health and well-being
Enjoyable opportunities for movement
Heart-centered connection
Easy tools learned to be used by every participant on their own daily, as well as during the work day regularly as a team
Amplified new perspectives that are more functional and productive to the business
Increased productivity, mental focus, and efficiency
Increased sense of personal fulfillment and inspiration
Access to new ideas and systems that can benefit the company
Contact RahQuel directly to schedule a consultation about your business vision:rahquelstar@gmail.com
Whatsapp 506 8943 0182
Corporate Gamma
Corporate Training and Pro Consulting
RahQuel works with entrepreneurs, CEOs, and their boards and teams to harness company energy for streamlining and upgrading business focus. RahQuel expertly guides boards of directors and leadership teams in meetings for masterminding crucial aspects of business planning with Gamma technology. When the team accesses the Gamma communication state collectively, new synergistic solutions and planning become accessible, and focused energy to implement new plans becomes available with follow-through. Gamma practices are of indispensable support to all departments of the business team as well.
Would you like to offer your team a phenomenal cutting edge transformational experience that they will feel re-energized and deeply grateful for?
Would you like for your team to feel recognized, appreciated and empowered, and have new tools they can use on their own daily to feel good?
Would you like your team to realize that they belong to a supportive and conscious community with a common vision that they actively foster and cultivate?
Would you like to also reap the same benefits by joining in and bringing this experience to your company?
.The Energy of Breath School Programs can be tailored to any corporate or private setting and requirement with any amount of participants.