Reiki Sessions & Attunements
Are you ready for an upgrade in how you feel?
Do you know that you can tap into a higher energy source to support you in harmonization and evolution in any area of your life?
REIKI is the frequency of love, peace, and harmony and it supports healing on all levels: emotional, physical, mental, and energetic.
RahQuel combines Gamma with Reiki for a healing energy practice that is gentle and relaxing, yet profound. It is appropriate for everyone drawn to it. It is conducive to personal awareness growth as well as for gentle comforting support while experiencing accelerated releasing of non-serving patterns and accumulated stress, plus rapid healing of physical injury or dis-ease. Scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of Reiki in the acceleration of physical and emotional healing.
Gamma Usui Reiki ™ brings forth clarity and heightened intuition in the area of your life on which you wish to focus the sessions. You will be receiving energy transmissions that raise the vibration of all of your molecules in order to create alchemical personal growth and transformation.
Reiki sessions and attunements (reiki training) can be in person as well as long distance, both equally effective and profound. Attunement options are listed below!
Reiki Attunements
Level 1
In this class you will become attuned to Reiki energy and become a certified practitioner, able to give Reiki Level 1 sessions. You will learn the background and history of Reiki in the tradition of modern-day founder Mikao Usui, plus how Reiki works, what it does, its benefits, and how to carry forth self-Reiki and sessions for others. You will learn to combine a Gamma Breath with your Reiki practice in order to exponentially magnify Reiki power. As you integrate this attunement, you will experience deep personal growth and calibration to higher frequencies, stimulating your higher sensory abilities as well.
Individual: $275
Couple/Pair: $250 per person
Group: $225 per person
Level 2
In this class you will become attuned to Level 2 Reiki in which you will learn and practice with the Reiki symbols, activating them to intensify the power of your sessions. These sessions will now include the ability to send Reiki long distance, to past and future (multiple timelines), and to groups in person and at distance. In Level 2 we access realms beyond space and time to heal on multiple dimensions. This attunement yields an even more powerful energetic life upgrade.
Individual: $400
Couple/Pair: $375 per person
Group: $350 per person
Level 3 - Gamma Usui Reiki Master
In this powerful training you are receiving an attunement that gives you the ability to now attune others to Reiki. It is a choice to practice Reiki for the sake of enlightenment and in a path of service to others also becoming illuminated. Each attunement you give also elevates you further, and the activation of your higher power abilities comes fully online, such as intuition, channeling, remote sensing and more. You unlock light gifts with ease and become a more heart-centered and compassionate being. Carrying forth the lineage of Reiki is a big gift.
Individual $1700
Couple/ pair: $1600 per person
Group: $1500 per person
RahQuel brings over thirty years of experience as a Reiki practitioner and twenty years as a Reiki Master Teacher. Study and become certified in all Levels of Reiki with her.
All Reiki Training can be in person or on video conference, one at a time, or in a group setting.
Each attunement yields harmonized personal evolution, self-healing practices, plus the ability to work with others with Reiki, anchoring a grid of light around the planet.
To book your session:
Umpqua Bank
Kena Raquel Custage
To pay via credit card, please submit an email address to to receive an invoice from paypal.
Cancellation policy: Please notify of changes as soon as possible via whatsapp: 506 8943 0182. if canceling within 24 hours, refunds are not offered.
For session series, programs, and trainings, if canceling within one week, refunds are not offered. Rescheduling may be possible.